
Hotel with Sauna in Val di Non

If you’re looking for a rejuvenating stay at a hotel with a sauna in Val di Non, Alpen Garten Hotel Margherita is the perfect choice. At our wellness center Le Maddalene, we welcome you to a sauna area with a cozy atmosphere, designed to offer moments of pure relaxation.

The saunas at our hotel are open daily from 2:30 PM to 7:30 PM and are reserved for guests aged 16 and older. We kindly ask you to maintain silence to create a tranquil environment, where every breath and every moment contribute to your well-being.

Un’esperienza completa di saune

At our hotel with a sauna in Val di Non, you can choose from various options, each offering unique benefits for your body and mind:

  • Finnish Sauna: Perfect for those seeking an intense treatment, with temperatures ranging from 80°C to 100°C. This ritual improves circulation, eliminates toxins, and relaxes muscles, leaving you with a renewed sense of vitality.
  • Bio Sauna: A “soft sauna” with moderate temperatures (up to 55°C) and 65% humidity. Ideal for relaxing without stressing the cardiovascular system, enhanced by the aroma of natural herbs.
  • Turkish Bath: A purification ritual with temperatures around 50°C and humidity levels up to 95%. It’s perfect for easing muscle tension and hydrating the skin, leaving it soft and glowing.
  • Infrared Sauna: Dry heat that penetrates deep into muscle tissue, relieving tension, joint pain, and inflammation. The rejuvenating and relaxing effect is immediate and intense.

Rejuvenation in the Heart of Val di Non

Il nostro hotel con sauna in Val di Non è il luogo ideale per lasciarsi alle spalle la frenesia quotidiana e ritrovare equilibrio e serenità. Ogni sauna del nostro centro benessere è progettata per offrirti benefici specifici, garantendo un’esperienza personalizzata e completa.

Vieni a scoprire il piacere di rigenerarti nel nostro hotel in Val di Non, dove la combinazione di natura, silenzio e comfort trasforma ogni momento in un’occasione di puro relax. Ti aspettiamo per vivere un’esperienza unica, dedicata al tuo benessere e alla tua armonia interiore.